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Why I hate Steroline: The Vampire Diaries.

Note: This is my first post so sorry if it is badly written!

Hey. This is 5 reasons why I hate Steroline from The Vampire Diaries. For the record I do NOT hate Caroline and Stefan at all. I love Caroline's bubbly and cute personality and Stefan's romance and compassion. What I do hate is them being a couple. Here is why...

They were like brother and sister~Throughout seasons 1-4 (minus Caroline's short term crush) they were amazing friends. Stefan even remarked on how Caroline reminded him of his best friend Lexi. They would joke have a laugh and give the way a friend would. They could discuss relationship dilemmas with one another and help each other. They acted almost like siblings which was a great dynamic on the show. For me it was nice to see a male and female relationship that was purely based on friendship instead of another cliche "I'm in love with my Best friend" storyline.

I loved the Caroline-Klaus-Matt-Tyler love rectangle~Caroline fell in love with Matt and then when he rejected her new vampire self - started dating Tyler. I strongly believe that Caroline and Tyler should have been end-game. They had so much chemistry between them and so much love for one another that it was heartbreaking to see them break up. Klaus was in love with Caroline and this sparked jealously in Tyler creating a dramatic storyline (though I must confess I'm Team Tyler as I still haven't forgiven Klaus for killing Aunt Jenna) which was great to watch.

Liz Forbes told Stefan that she wanted them to go out when she was dying~Just to clarify I love Liz Forbes but this seemed weird. Stefan is told by a dying Liz that she hopes her daughter and him will date one day. This seems like a lot of pressure to put on Stefan considering he viewed Caroline as a best friend and nothing else. It seemed like the only reason they go out was because Caroline's dying Mother suggested it. Saying this Liz Forbes will always be one of my all-time favorite characters.

They "fell in love" way too quickly~Stefan and Caroline didn't really date that long before it was declared by the internet as "true love". Caroline may have crushed on Stefan and she definitely loved him as a friend but I don't think she has ever loved him in that way. This may be the Tyler-Caroline Shipper in me talking but I honestly think that both Stefan and Caroline's "love" is unrealistic and wrong.

Elena!!!~I know she broke his heart but Stefan should have made more of an effort to win her back. I am a proud member of Team Stelena (will write a post on why soon) and I'm still gutted that they didn't get back together. Secondly Stefan is Elena's ex and Caroline and Elena are best friends so why on earth would they start dating without consulting her.(I don't mean her approval or anything and quite frankly Elena would be fine with it as long as they were both happy) I mean just mentioning if it would be okay to date her ex-soulmate.

To conclude I don't ship Steroline at all but love both characters very much with other people. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and please leave a comment on your thoughts about this ship. I will be posting more 'Vampire Diaries' posts soon. Goodbye.

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