6 Most Heartbreaking Vampire Diaries moments/episodes.
The Vampire Diaries is one of the most amazing shows ever. It makes us laugh, cry and smile. Here are 6 of the saddest moments throughout seasons 1-7. Ranked from least to most out of these heartbreaking yet beautiful scenes...
6. Elena and Bonnie say goodbye~The evil Kai puts Elena under a sleeping curse that is linked to Bonnie - (as long as Bonnie is alive Elena will be asleep). Bonnie does however get to say one last goodbye when she goes into Elena's subconscious where they say goodbye. It's heartbreaking to watch them realize that they will never see each other again for when Elena wakes Bonnie will be dead. Bonnie uses her magic to levitate a feather like she did when she first told Elena that she really was a witch. It is one of the most beautiful scenes ever even though it's one of the saddest.
5. An in-denial Elena attempts to pack up Alaric's weapons after his death~After Elena loses Ric she rushed to his classroom and begins cleaning out his weapons cupboard whilst still in shock as Stefan watches. Elena then breaks down into tears realising that her and Jeremy have no-one left to look after them anymore.
4. Alaric dies~Ric will always be one of my favourite characters which was upsetting enough and Damon's emotional goodbye to his drinking buddy and best friend was enough to make anyone cry. For me though the saddest part of Ric's death was when Jeremy and Matt drink to Ric in Mystic Grills and a single tear runs down Jeremy's cheek as he realizes that him and his sister have just lost their father-figure and friend.
3. Jenna's funeral and John's letter~Aunt Jenna is killed by the evil Klaus to undo the hybrid curse which also involves killing the doppelganger (Elena). Elena's biological father sacrifices himself in the hope that Elena will come back to life as a human. Watching Elena bury two more relatives was heartbreaking and as 'Uncle' John's letter is recited, Skinny Love by Birdy plays in the background. John apologies for all the pain he has caused her due to his anti-vampire ways and writes that he will always love her no matter what. The funeral scene was so sad yet so beautiful all the same
2. Elena drowns/Elena's flashbacks~In a flawed attempt to 'save' Elena from the vampires, Matt drugs and kidnaps her and consequently drives them both off of Wickery Bridge. As Elena drowns she flashbacks to the day that her adoptive parents died when her life was happier. She relived the traumatic experience of drowning in that same river months ago. This time when Stefan comes to save her, she did for Matt what her Father had done for her and sacrifice herself so that Stefan could save the other person. Elena dies for her friend showing courage and selflessness
1. Elena realizes Jeremy is dead/Burns her family home to the ground~This scene\episode has to be the saddest in television history. Elena realizes after hours of denial that her little brother is dead and won't be brought back to life via the Gilbert ring. Elena looks at her family home in despair knowing she has lost everyone she ever loved. Stefan, Matt and Caroline watch as Elena breaks down and remembers everything she lost: Her biological Mother Isobel, her adoptive Uncle John, her adoptive Aunt Jenna, her guardian and friend Ric, her adoptive mother and father and now Jeremy. All people that she loved who are dead. Elena realizes also that her best friend is still on the island, she's broken up with Stefan and is now a vampire - the one thing she never wanted. She knows that she has no hope of a normal, happy future filled with aging and children. Elena cries and screams until Damon comes inside and after watching her suffer forces her to turn off her humanity due to the sire bond connection. She unwillingly does this and her face turns instantly emotionless. Elena then burns down her family home along with her diary, her photos and her brother's dead body. This was heartbreaking to watch.
Thank you for reading My 6 Saddest/heartbreaking moments from Season 1-7 of The Vampire Diaries. I hope you liked it. Look out for my future posts which include 10 things I hate about The Vampire Diaries and Why Elena Gilbert is my favourite Vampire Diaries character.